Saturday, April 05, 2008

ECON 260: Comment Thread for 4/7

Use the comments below to post any questions you wish to pose (in advance) to our guest speaker for Monday.

I am interested in some of the cases that the guest speaker has worked on in the past and their condition/ impact/ implications today. If there are any cases that have been successful or have proved unexpectedly problematic over the long term.

I'd like to know how the speakers personal values are being incorporated into her work - if there have been conflicts between her beliefs and her actions or tasks. In particular, it would be interesting to hear about any times she may have changed her beliefs because of her work.
I was wondering whether the guest speaker feels like working for the BLM has offered her more opportunities for making changes than whe would have had working as a lawyer.
I was just interested in how much the goals or methods employed by the BLM have changed and/or do change in terms of the increasing population changes, specifically in the west? Also, along with the increased population comes increased urbanization, so how do these changes affect the BLM?
I'm curious about her experience mediating conversations between two groups that are butting heads. What sorts of conflicts has she worked with/resolved?
what brought you into becoming an environmentalist? what things do you do in the way you live your life that reflect your broader values regarding environmentalism? what things don't reflect these values?
Pricing can only be enforced within the United States (if that is what we decide to do), but global warming, water scarcity,and other environmental issues are global issues. To be truly effective, global action would have to take place. I am interested to hear if environmental economists think about or have come up with any ideas on how to overcome state soverienty in spreading environmental actions to other countries. Maybe through trade/ trade sanctions, financial incentives...or something???
We have mentioned the severity of the fresh water shortage problem in class, but we have yet to address it in depth. From my perspective it seems like most people in general are not really looking at it seriously, but I'm sure (and I hope) that I'm wrong. I would like to know what people are doing about it, and what discussion is going on in her area of work on the issue.
I would like to know about the most interesting/exciting topic that the guest speaker has worked on over the years.

I also would like to know what the guest speaker feels is the most important environmental issue for Oregon today or what we should be more focused on resolving.
I would like to know what she finds most effective in reconciling groups with conflicting goals in terms of either relying on value-based justifications or more "objective" economic arguments? What seems to be more convincing to the individuals involved?
I would like to ask the guest speaker, What is the most frustrating part of your job and how do you deal with it? Do you ever get discouraged? and how do you keep yourself motivated and positive when faced with these obstacles?
I have two questions for our speaker. First, as a graduating senior attempting to make a plan for my career with an environmental studies degree, I am wondering what sort of educational background our speaker has had and if her working with the BLM was something she had thought about/planned at a time where we all are now? I was also wondering if the BLM offers volunteer opportunities and what type of opportunities they may be?
Wow. I think all of the previous questions are killer. I don't have anything original, and its a little late anyways. I'm looking forward to hearing her responses to these questions in class.
I think I understand that the speaker mediates between two groups. The groups each have their own values of the benefits and costs associated with a certain project. I think the speaker also makes her own judgment on what these values should be. I would like to know, in general, how accurate these forecasts turn out to be in the long-run. Is one group right on, and the other off? Are neither close? Is it in the middle of the two?...etc
I would be interested in asking the guest speaker what she feels are the attitudes about environmentalist goals within her agency. Are most employees generally supportive of of common conservation goals? Is the group attitude one of optimism- that they can accomplish positive things through their work with the BLM? Do people enjoy their work, or is it just a job?
I was wondering what general career paths are like for the BLM and similar government agencies. Does the government provide educational incentives such as graduate school help? Do employees of federal agencies begin work after receiving their liberal arts degree or do most people come to work at the BLM after pursuing other work in such places as public interest groups or research institution?
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